JM Frictech India Pvt. Ltd.

About Us

JM Frictech India Pvt Ltd., Established in 2008 through a collaboration between NTC Group India and JMFT-Korea, specializes in wet friction systems and hydraulic actuation components for brakes, clutches, and transmissions. A trusted supplier to major OEMs of Agricultural, Construction, and Mining equipment manufacturers globally,
JMI has diversified into Hydrostatic Transmissions, Electro Magnetic Brakes, and Synchronizer rings for Off-highway vehicles. With a dedicated R&D team and testing center, JMI is poised to meet market demands, expanding its product range from wet friction systems to comprehensive transmission solutions. The company’s growth is driven by a blend of profound system expertise and a commitment to innovation.


Market Share


R&D Spend






Manufacturing Facilities

Our Solutions

Driving the Future in Friction Technology




Material handling

From MD’s desk

JMI’s dedication to innovation and growth has led to successful, long-term partnerships with our customers. We’re expanding our product range, creating a vibrant workplace, and ensuring value for all stakeholders as we strive for excellence.

Mr. Madhavan.E

Managing Director

Mr. Madhavan.E

Managing Director

From MD’s desk

JMI’s dedication to innovation and growth has led to successful, long-term partnerships with our customers. We’re expanding our product range, creating a vibrant workplace, and ensuring value for all stakeholders as we strive for excellence.

Mr. Madhavan.E

Managing Director

Mr. Madhavan.E

Managing Director

From MD’s desk

JMI’s dedication to innovation and growth has led to successful, long-term partnerships with our customers. We’re expanding our product range, creating a vibrant workplace, and ensuring value for all stakeholders as we strive for excellence.

Mr. Madhavan.E

Managing Director

Mr. Madhavan.E

Managing Director

Our Journey

Consistent progress


Empowering global mobility with cutting-edge wet brake, wet clutch, and transmission solutions, our commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability drives unparalleled customer satisfaction worldwide.


Core Values



Market Leader

Customer Delight

People focused

Awards and Recognitions

Corporate Social
Responsibilities (CSR)

At the heart of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy lies a steadfast commitment to transforming lives through education, environmental stewardship, and empowerment.
We recognize that education is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity, and thus, we aim to provide accessible and quality education opportunities to underserved communities, empowering individuals to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.
At JM Frictech, we recognize our responsibility to contribute positively to the communities in which we operate.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are designed to make a meaningful impact on education, health, sanitation, and the environment.
JM Frictech’s environmental stewardship initiatives include tree planting drives, waste management programs, and conservation projects.
We are proud to maintain 1500 trees in OSR land, which not only helps in environmental conservation but also provides a green cover for the community.

Environmental Stewardship

In parallel, we recognize the critical importance of environmental conservation and sustainability. Through proactive environmental stewardship, we strive to mitigate the impacts of climate change, protect biodiversity, and promote a healthier, more sustainable world for all.
Furthermore, we are deeply committed to empowerment – empowering individuals, communities, and marginalized groups to create positive change in their lives and surroundings. Whether through skills development programs, entrepreneurship support, or advocacy for human rights and social justice, we seek to foster empowerment at every level, promoting dignity, autonomy, and self-reliance.
JM Frictech’s environmental stewardship initiatives include tree planting drives, waste management programs, and conservation projects.
We are proud to maintain 1500 trees in OSR land, which not only helps in environmental conservation but also provides a green cover for the community.

Support for Visually Challenged People

JM Frictech supports visually challenged individuals by providing Smart glasses. These glasses enhance their ability to navigate their surroundings independently and access information, significantly improving their quality of life.

Health and Sanitation Initiatives

Access to healthcare and sanitation is crucial for community well-being. JM Frictech has partnered with local healthcare providers to offer medical camps, health check-ups, and awareness programs. Additionally, we have supported the construction of sanitation facilities in underserved areas, impacting the lives of more than 1000 individuals.

Empowering Education

JM Frictech believes in the transformative power of education. Our initiatives aim to support local schools, provide educational resources, and organize skill development programs.
Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility is embedded in our core values. We believe that by investing in the communities we operate in, we can create a positive impact that extends far beyond our business operations. We remain dedicated to continuing these efforts and exploring new ways to make a difference in the lives of others.
In essence, our CSR philosophy is grounded in a holistic approach to social responsibility – one that recognizes the interconnectedness of education, environmental stewardship, empowerment, inclusivity, and sustainability. By aligning our efforts with these principles, we aspire to create lasting and meaningful change in the world, transforming lives and communities for the better.
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